Sendero is a Houston-based civil contractor providing earthwork, drainage and utility work throughout Texas.
We work with premier developers and general contractors on large-scale PRIVATE projects, and with Municipal Utility Districts, municipalities and county engineers on PUBLIC sitework projects. We provide site preparation and grading, utilities and storm sewer systems. We also offer special expertise in underground detention systems. We often get involved from the start of projects with value engineering, planning and scheduling, to make sure every client receives complete satisfaction.
Earthwork and Site Prep
Proper Site Preparation is key to successful construction. We have nearly twenty years of experience providing site services to leading developers and contractors.

Drainage and Utilities

Sendero has installed hundreds of Storm Sewer Systems and connected Utilities on large-scale developments throughout Texas. Our services include storm drainage, sanitary sewer, domestic water, water meter installation, and thermal piping, and we are RME-U licensed to install underground fire line. We’re committed to client satisfaction and take pride in doing the job right, meeting your deadlines and staying on budget.

Underground Detention Systems

An Underground Detention System is a network of large-diameter piping that stores runoff underground, rather than taking up valuable surface real estate with detention ponds or reservoirs.
As a leading installer of Underground Detention Systems, we have a thorough understanding of drainage and detention requirements and have extensive experience installing systems in large-scale developments where space and site drainage are critical.