Portland Town Center

$100 million 45-acre mixed-use development

  • Client: Arch-Con Corporation
  • Size: 45 acres
  • Location: Portland, TX
  • Project Type: Site utility package


Project Scope

Over the last decade, Portland, Texas, has significantly grown. The population has increased from about 15,000 to 22,000, and hotels, restaurants, and retail outlets now sit where untamed fields once flourished. The latest expansion takes root at the corner of Highway 81 and Broadway Boulevard. 

The Target-anchored retail center featuring 200,000 SF of retail space and 200 units of multifamily is expected to begin opening in late 2023 and continue throughout 2024. 

Sendero Industries partnered with Arch-Con Corporation on this $100 million development to provide a complete site utility package, including the installation of the following: 

  • 8,000+ LF of storm sewer
  • 3,000+ LF of sanitary sewer
  • 6,000+ LF of fire line 
Lovett Mass Grading lime stabilization
We value our relationship with Sendero Industries. Their level of commitment, principal involvement and follow through is hard to find in today’s business world. Simply stated, they are men of integrity and you can take their commitment to the bank.

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